A logistic service at your service

Terrigen offers, thanks to a logistics service on continuous alert, a delivery within the very best lead times everywhere in the world.

Service Logistique Terrigen
Service Logistique Terrigen

Attention to conditioning

We pack all our parts ourselves in our packaging area to ensure our customers optimal and damage-free reception of our blades and cutting tools for agricultural machinery.

Service Logistique Terrigen

Carefully selected providers

We ship all our parcels ourselves thanks to international express delivery specialists, in France and all over the world. Our logistics department, in consultation with our sales department, will allow you to choose from many types of delivery, express or economic, depending on your needs.

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Our Logistics Service:
a supply
optimized for our customers


Parc d’Activités
Economiques PLEINEST
RD 619
52000 Chaumont
Tél. : +33(0)

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